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Optimize Your Node.js Experience: Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrading Node.js Version Using NVM

Once you are working on the Node JS project, there are multiple times when you need to shuffle amongst different projects that might be working on different Node JS versions. So of course we need to change the node js version using a simpler way instead of installing it every time.

NVM is the tool that will be working that help with the process. NVM stands for Node Version Manager. It is a command-line utility that allows developers to easily manage multiple versions of Node.js on a single system. NVM provides a convenient way to install, switch between, and manage different Node.js versions for different projects.

  1. Multiple Node.js Versions: NVM enables you to install and maintain multiple versions of Node.js on your system. This is particularly useful when different projects require different Node.js versions due to compatibility or other reasons.

  2. Easy Installation: NVM simplifies the installation process of Node.js versions. You can install a specific version using a single command, and it handles the downloading and setup automatically.

  3. Version Switching: NVM allows you to switch between installed Node.js versions effortlessly. You can set a specific version as the default for your system or use a different version for a specific project directory.

Optimizing your Node.js experience by upgrading the version using NVM involves several steps. Here's a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Install NVM (Node Version Manager)

First, ensure you have NVM installed on your system.

If not, visit the official NVM repository on GitHub and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Step 2: Check the Current Node.js Version

Open your terminal or command prompt and type the following command to check the current Node.js version installed on your system:

node -v

Step 3: Choose the Node.js Version

Determine the version of Node.js you want to upgrade to. You can check the available versions using the following command:

nvm ls-remote

Step 4: Install the Desired Node.js Version

To install a specific Node.js version, use the following command, replacing `x.x.x` with the version number you want to install:

nvm install x.x.x

Step 5: Set Default Node.js Version

Set the newly installed Node.js version as the default for your system:

nvm use x.x.x
nvm alias default x.x.x

Step 6: Verify Installation

Confirm that the new version is successfully installed and set as the default:

node -v

Step 7: Update NPM (Node Package Manager)

It's a good practice to update NPM to the latest version after upgrading Node.js:

npm install -g npm

Step 8: Work on Different versions.

You can work with different node js versions using the nvm version. You can switch by opening the project in the specific version.

nvm use x.x.x

If two different projects are started, we can change the version using the above command and run the project.

By following these steps, you can optimize your Node.js experience by upgrading to the latest version using NVM. Remember to adapt the commands according to your specific operating system and requirements.


About The Author

Apoorv Tomar is a software developer and blogs at Mindroast. You can connect with him on Twitter. Subscribe to the newsletter for the latest curated content. Don’t hesitate to say ‘Hi’ on any platform, just stating a reference of where did you find my profile.


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